"A technology of teaching... will also design environmental contingencies in such a way as to generate the most promising diversity."
B.F. Skinner, The Technology of Teaching (1968).
'The Technology of Teaching' - wow! This was so relevant even though it was written over fifty years ago!

Skinner discusses what teaching actually is versus knowing and the role of the teacher. He speaks of ways to enhance efficiency in teaching. He also talks about the challenges students and teachers face in an education system that is growing ever more dictated by money. (Hello, capitalism, again... everywhere!)
The quote that stuck out the most for me was Skinner's identification that by utilising a technology of teaching through programmed instructions, shaping and histories of reinforcement, we can actually help diversity flourish and tap into the individual differences that make humans unique and important.
Skinner was very cognizant of the awareness of the value of each individual human life, and he endeavoured to ensure the science of applied behaviour analysis continues to enhance and empower individuals.
Highly recommended text if you're an educator or interested in reading some Skinner. It's very readable and short, and it's fascinating just how relevant these issues are still today.
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The Technology of Teaching by B.F. Skinner - Purchase here.
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